Thursday, May 24, 2007

My first Blog - First Wish!!!!!

This is my first blog. I must be thankful to vidat my colleague ( for encouraging me in expressing my thoughts through blogs.
As usual, anything that is newly started needs to be dedicated or devoted to my god and so I wish to dedicate this to my god, my mom!
Whenever I think (particularly) about Motherhood, the first thought that strike my mind is SACRIFICE. The second is the DIVINITY. When I say these two I really mean them and so at times I usually feel why people could not celebrate Motherhood all through their life rather than devoting a special day.
Why In earth do we celebrate mother's day exclusively?
I feel that people have gone to think the other way round. Those who have started this must have thought that they are starting to forget the sacrifice and divinity of their Mom and to get rid of this they have started to celebrate Mother’s day.
Shouldn't we feel that it should be done all the time till we are alive?
Today in this hectic world will we be able to imagine a person who can resist all our thoughts (even if it is idiotic or sarcastic or unmeaning and whatever bad it is...) and still encourage us the way we want to be? Yes of course it is our mom. Even if she is no more, you and I will be still be driven by her blessings.
Friend I feel that sometime or other this style of living the life should come to an end.
When you have made your mind to wish for your teachers or warriors or leaders or friends it does have a meaning as because they need to remain in our memory as some of us can often forget them(due to proper replacements).
But how can we forget our mom?
I feel even feminine gender becomes divine only when it attains motherhood.
If the creator of this universe would have decided to give man- the power to give birth, then the motherhood wouldn’t have been special as each and everybody would become a mother one day(at least before death). Someone well said that “the universe was first created with natural wonders like mountains, oceans and forests. To rule them Man was created. When Man asked the creator to accompany him, the creator created Woman, who will in due course be the replica (motherhood) of the creator.”
So I wish to pray that as time goes by things need to change as we are all expected to be more civilized and sensible (sixth sense!).


Anonymous said...

Kuduthu vechava.. un pondaaati.. ;-)

Vidat said...

Gr8 first post balaji... And i agree with you totally when you say why have a mothers day separately ... its all marketting gymmiks for the cards to be sold i feel... anyway keep up your good begining!!!

Vidat said...

gr8 start balaji!!! even i agree with you totally... why have a seperate day for mothers day... it should come from within everyday!!! and i think its a marketting gymmicks for the greeting cards to sell !!! neeway good begining !!!

Unknown said...

hmmmmmm pullu arikardhu..........

Anonymous said...

Its great to see you start your blog with a topic like this.I too agree that there is no special need to have a day like this.Anyway this day could also be opportunity to wish your loved ones not only your mother.There are so many people in the world who give us motherly treatment !!!

Anonymous said...

Balaji, I agree with ur blog except the statement "I feel even feminine gender becomes divine only when it attains motherhood". By the way why did u stop blogging?

Anonymous said...

But the thought is great :-)

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Chennai, TamilNadu, India
Upcoming krishna bakthan(devotee)